Table of Contents


  1. Understanding Amazon’s Algorithm
  2. Creating Optimised Product Listings
  3. Leveraging Amazon Advertising
  4. Implementing Pricing Strategies
  5. Enhancing Customer Experience
  6. Utilising Amazon Brand Registry
  7. Monitoring Your Progress


1. Understand Amazon’s Algorithm


A9 Algorithm and Its Importance

Amazon’s A9 algorithm is responsible for ranking products in search results. Understanding the A9 algorithm will enable you to create an optimised strategy for boosting your visibility and sales. Key factors influencing the A9 algorithm include:

  • Sales performance
  • Text match relevance
  • Price
  • Customer reviews
  • Product availability
Focus on Sales Velocity

To improve your rankings, concentrate on increasing your sales velocity – the speed at which you sell products. Strategies to enhance sales velocity include:

  • Running promotions and discounts
  • Optimising product listings
  • Targeting high-converting keywords
  • Improving customer reviews

2. Create Optimised Product Listings

Crafting a Compelling Product Title

A persuasive product title is essential for capturing the attention of potential customers. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Include primary keywords
  • State the product’s main benefits
  • Use clear and concise language
  • Limit the title to 200 characters
Utilising High-Quality Images

Showcase your products with professional images to build trust and encourage purchases. Follow Amazon’s image guidelines, and consider these best practices:

  • Use a white background
  • Display the product from multiple angles
  • Include close-ups of important features
  • Use lifestyle images to demonstrate usage
Writing Persuasive Product Descriptions

A well-written product description can sway buyers and increase sales. Focus on the following:

  • Highlight key features and benefits
  • Address common customer concerns
  • Use bullet points for easy readability
  • Integrate relevant keywords

3. Leverage amazon PPC Advertising

Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products ads can significantly increase your product’s visibility. To make the most of Sponsored Products, follow these steps:

  • Research high-converting keywords
  • Set a competitive daily budget
  • Test different bidding strategies
  • Analyse and optimise your ad performance
Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands ads showcase your brand and products in prominent positions on Amazon. To maximise their impact, consider these tips:

  • Highlight your best-selling products
  • Use high-quality images and branding
  • Incorporate a strong call-to-action
  • Monitor ad performance and adjust bids accordingly

4. Implement Pricing Strategies


Competitive Pricing

Competitive pricing can attract buyers and improve your sales velocity. Monitor competitors’ prices and consider employing repricing tools to maintain a competitive edge.

Psychological Pricing

Use psychological pricing strategies, such as setting prices slightly below whole numbers (e.g., £9.99 instead of £10), to create a perception of better value.

5. Enhance Customer Experience


Efficient Fulfilment and Shipping

Fast, reliable shipping is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction. Consider using Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) to streamline your fulfilment process and leverage Amazon’s shipping network.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service

Outstanding customer service can lead to repeat business and positive reviews. To deliver exceptional customer service, ensure that you:

  • Respond to customer queries promptly
  • Address concerns with empathy and professionalism
  • Implement a hassle-free returns policy
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews

6. Utilise Amazon Brand Registry


Benefits of Amazon Brand Registry

Registering your brand with Amazon Brand Registry provides numerous benefits, such as:

  • Enhanced control over your product listings
  • Access to powerful brand-building tools
  • Protection against counterfeit products and intellectual property violations
Enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry

To enrol in Amazon Brand Registry, you must have an active trademark registration in the UK or another eligible country. Once you’ve obtained a trademark, follow Amazon’s enrolment process to begin enjoying the benefits of Brand Registry.

7. Monitor Your Progress


Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Monitor essential KPIs to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies and make data-driven decisions. Important KPIs to track include:

  • Sales and revenue
  • Conversion rate
  • Advertising cost of sale (ACoS)
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Customer reviews and ratings
Utilising Analytics Tools

Leverage Amazon’s analytics tools, such as Brand Analytics and Seller Central reports, to gain insights into your business performance and identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion


By understanding Amazon’s A9 algorithm, creating optimised product listings, leveraging advertising opportunities, implementing pricing strategies, enhancing customer experience, utilising Amazon Brand Registry, and monitoring your progress, you’ll be well-equipped to boost your Amazon sales and outrank the competition.

Implement these tactics and keep refining your approach to achieve the best results for your Amazon business.

Who Are Visible Ads?


VisibleAds comprises a team of Search-Engine-Marketing (SEM) professionals with a focus on google and amazon Search-based traffic. Over 10 years, we have both build our own amazon seller accounts and helped businesses increase profits that prefer not to expend significant time, effort or resources on becoming or hiring their own PPC or Organic traffic experts.

Instead, our clients choose to capitalise on our extensive experience to get things right from the outset.

Our team of consultants is dedicated to helping you achieve your sales objectives on both google and amazon.

Our comprehensive expertise in both Google and amazon has allowed us to consult with numerous brands and organisations aiming to break into the largest search engine for buyers. If you’re looking to sell as a merchant to Amazon fulfilment centres, our experts are adept at enhancing your product sales.

What Do We Do?

Facilitating, Managing, and Optimising Product Sales on Amazon. We are a marketplace agency specialising in Google and amazon, offering a fast track for sellers. Collaborating with you, we strive to facilitate, manage, and optimise your product sales on Amazon. As authorities in Amazon marketing, we also help reduce risk and prevent costly errors. With Amazon, we have “been there; done that,” yet never stop learning and our clients reap the benefits of our experience. Furthermore, we consistently stay updated on Amazon’s ever-changing methods of operation.

How Do We Do It?

By employing our proprietary processes and blending them with our in-depth understanding of the Amazon Algorithm, our marketing specialists fine-tune your content and product offerings to secure a larger market share. We continually enhance and expand our Search Algorithm knowledge to help you stay ahead of the competition and maximise ROI.


Boh has been working in digital media for 20 years. He pursues a simple goal: to maximise search engine ROI. This he achieves by closely managing each step of the customer acquisition journey, using his experience and expertise to fine tune funnels and campaigns so they are optimised for long term success. As a pay-per-click specialist with in-depth knowledge of SEO, Boh combines powerful skills to get the most out of all types of online advertising campaigns. Always the optimist, Boh values trust and transparency as key tools to build long-lasting client relationships. Book your paid search discovery call with Boh here